
6 Effective Studying Tips That Will Help Students Ace Their Next Exam

Are you having trouble focusing while you study for your exams? Did you look at your surroundings before you started? How long ago did you eat? Did you have enough shut-eye the night before? All of that and much more contribute to your ability to study effectively. If you’re looking for more ways to help you ace your next exam, you’ve come to the right place.

Declutter the studying space

Clutter will be your focus’s biggest enemy. Unless you have a neat studying environment, you can’t expect to be able to concentrate. Everything will distract you at some point. Be it a notebook or a pile of handouts lying around, keep everything stored in drawers and folders, away from plain sight. Dust regularly and keep your room decluttered to prevent any distractions. Only then will you have a calm mind, ready to focus on your study book and ace the next exam without trouble.

Set a studying calendar

Routines help us stay on track and improve our productivity. Therefore, consider creating a studying calendar to help you create a studying routine. If your classes are in the morning, set aside a few hours in the evening to revise what you studied earlier in the day and learn more from the new materials. Always start studying at the same time, and keep going for as long as your mind can focus on the lessons. When your thoughts wander, it’s time for a short break and a pick-me-up snack.

Use multiple resources for studying

One of the best ways to study well and thoroughly is to use multiple study sources. While your notes offer all the insight from the lectures, always check out the materials that your professor suggests. On top of that, feel free to look through Sheffield materials that their students submitted. They will offer invaluable information for your future exam that other study materials don’t contain. Have you considered comparing your notes to the ones from your peers? You don’t have to borrow them only when you miss a class. Ask to check out other students’ notes to see if they have some facts that you missed or didn’t think were crucial. Maybe that’s the question that you’ll need to answer in your next exam, and you didn’t remember to note it down.

Get enough sleep

Rest is essential for good memory. You cannot expect to remember the lessons unless your brain is refreshed. Students tend to spend sleepless nights to catch up with lost time and try to learn as much as possible in as little time. That can be counterproductive because it offers temporary results. While some students manage to learn for the exam, their memory is short-term, and they will forget what they had learned very quickly. Others will torture themselves into staying up late without being able to memorise anything. Either way, you’re not studying well. Allow your brain and body to revitalise during the night and sleep for at least six hours. Not only will you feel more motivated but invigorated and productive as well.

Eat and hydrate

How good is your nutrition? Are you taking enough vitamins and minerals? How much water do you drink a day? Don’t stick to protein and energy bars mixed with gallons of coffee and energy drinks. Keep water next to you as you study to hydrate regularly. Enrich your diet with fruit, vegetables, soup and lean meat to reap all the benefits from fresh food. Eggs, nuts, avocado and berries are some of the best brain foods to improve your studying.

Plan for regular breaks

Aside from enough shut-eye and food, looking away from your books is also vital. Studying shouldn’t make up for the majority of your day. Yes, you need to study for several hours, but you also need to take regular breaks between sessions. There’s only so much your brain can process in a certain amount of time, so allow it to rest and refresh. Lay down, go for a walk, listen to music or write your journal as you let the previously read lessons settle in your mind, making more room for what you need to study later. Grab a snack, have a cup of coffee and disconnect from your studying mode.

Final thoughts

Acing your next exam will be easier than ever before with the tips we’ve listed above. Remember to always take breaks and have enough sleep. Don’t forget to eat well and hydrate whilst paying attention in class and comparing notes with your peers. Your next A is going to be right around the corner.

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