how many jobs are available in basic industries
Basic industries produce the goods and services that are needed by businesses and consumers, such as energy, health care, food production, transportation, and construction services. Basic industries often employ people working in industrial settings and factory floors, with very little direct customer interaction.
how many jobs are available in basic industries Despite their reputation as low-paying jobs with unskilled workers, basic industries provide many employment opportunities because of their high growth rates and the constant need to replace retiring baby boomers looking to leave the workforce.
6 Basic Industries Jobs
According to a recent press release by NACCE, 80% of manufacturing companies with less than $5 million in revenue say they expect to increase their hiring over 2016. While much has been made about advanced manufacturing and factory automation, these emerging technologies haven’t yet made a significant impact on most businesses. A closer look at what’s being produced suggests that while technical skills will always be important, there will always be opportunities for people who want to work with their hands and perform physical labor.
As long as humans need tools, tools need to be produced—and that will always create jobs. Here are six basic industry jobs you can get into today In an age where everyone is looking for quick solutions, going back to basics may seem like a step backward. But when it comes to building a career in manufacturing, doing things simply is not only an option—it’s sometimes your best bet.
how many jobs are available in basic industries
How to Get a Job in Basic Industries
If you want to get a job, you need to first know what kind of job. Luckily, there are four main sectors that make up our current economy: manufacturing and construction, trade and transportation, finance and real estate, and government. If you’re looking for employment opportunities in any of these sectors, then read on for more information about how to find a job based on where it is offered. There are other types of work out there too (like service or farm work), but they tend to be less stable than positions in those big-four sectors. Read on for advice on getting started in each one!
#1 Manufacturing and Construction Jobs: These jobs can often be found at industrial parks, factory warehouses, or even building sites depending on what you’re looking for. They typically pay pretty well, but don’t require much formal education beyond high school—you’ll just need some prior experience and possibly an apprenticeship program if you don’t have much hands-on experience already. It’s not hard to break into manufacturing if you know someone who works there—just ask around until someone agrees to give you an entry-level position!
The Pros of Working at a Basic Industry
In addition to providing a steady source of income, working at a job that’s considered basic can offer other advantages. If you work as a hospital janitor, for example, you can expect a secure and predictable schedule that allows you plenty of time with your family.
You also might not be too busy to take on additional shifts if you want to make extra money – but those shifts won’t necessarily fill up your calendar since basic industries tend to have less fluctuation than other sectors. If part-time hours are what makes it possible for you to keep working in an industry like manufacturing, there’s no shame in that; opting for more manageable hours is one way of making sure your career has longevity.
The Cons of Working in a Basic Industry
For every benefit of basic industry, there’s usually a downside. They tend to be very well-paying, but they’re also almost always dangerous. For example, when talking about oil and gas, you will have to work with some potentially volatile chemicals.
The work hours can be long and unpredictable depending on what kind of contract you sign; if you’re working as an independent contractor, it’s likely that your schedule is going to change frequently. And let’s not forget about security: Basic industries aren’t typically noted for their safety standards — if you’re working on an oil rig off the coast of Louisiana or performing maintenance on heavy machinery in Texas, there’s a chance that something could go wrong during your shift and put your life at risk.