Home Improvement

How Frequently Should You Clean Your Entire Home?

According to Eco Clean Solutions, the purpose of cleaning is not only to clean, but also to make the inhabitants of the area happy. Cleaning minimises allergies and respiratory issues, keeps bacteria at bay, and extends the life of your home’s components.

In contrast, a messy and filthy house may significantly impact your physical and emotional health.

Some jobs should be performed on a daily basis to prevent the accumulation of dust and filth, while others can be performed periodically or even annually. Once you know how often to clean your home, it might feel like a nuisance, but you can form a healthy routine.

How frequently does the average individual clean their home?

According to research conducted by the Irish Cleaning Institute, the average Irish person spends six hours a week cleaning, while a third wonders if they are cleaning enough and correctly. Once every week, most homes sweep and mop, vacuum, clean the bathroom, and dust the furniture.

Typically, kitchen countertops and high-traffic floor areas are cleaned and swept daily.

How Frequently Must I Clean My Home?

The frequency of cleaning a home depends on its size, the frequency with which its rooms are utilised, and the sorts of furnishings and surfaces it contains. Some objects must be cleaned daily, while a general clean may be performed once per week and a full clean can be performed every few months or once per year. To facilitate cleaning, you should

  • Keep mess to a minimum.
  • Regularly wash hands and wipe shoes on entrance rugs or mats.
  • Keep bathrooms clean to prevent the growth of mould and mildew.
  • Clean up crumbs and spills immediately.


Bathroom and Kitchen Floors

Daily sweeping of the kitchen floor will remove crumbs, while mopping will remove oil accumulation from meal preparation. How often should the bathroom be cleaned? Daily mopping of bathrooms reduces safety issues and inhibits mould and mildew growth.


Mold, fungus, and bacteria may develop on porous natural stone surfaces. By keeping their surfaces dry and clean, harmful microorganisms are eliminated. Using soapy water or a detergent that is pH-friendly and cleaning with a dry towel should suffice.

each few days


Regular preventive maintenance is the most effective method for maintaining clean bathroom and kitchen sink drains. Remove pop-up stoppers or drain guards to eliminate any debris that has gathered. A few times each week, pouring hot water or a homemade vinegar solution down the sink drain will keep pipes unclogged.


Clutter gathers dust that may include allergies such as pet dander, mould spores, or pollen spores. Additionally, it becomes more difficult to clean surfaces when there are too many items laying around. It is very hard to maintain busy parts of the home clutter-free; thus, setting aside time every few days will ensure little clutter.


Carpets and surfaces

How often should carpets be cleaned? If you do not have pets or live in a dusty environment, you just need to vacuum your carpets and floors once each week. Even if your floor requires mopping, vacuuming loose debris before mopping is superior to sweeping.

There are showers, bathtubs, and toilets in the bathroom.

Mold is likely to grow on grout, tile, and shower curtains in bathrooms due to the high humidity levels. So, how frequently must you clean the bathroom in your home? At least once each week, you should thoroughly clean your bathroom, disinfect the toilet and sink, and scrub the bathtub and shower.

Bed Linen

Once each week, bed sheets should be laundered to eliminate bacteria, perspiration, body fluids, allergies, pollen, dead skin, pet dander, and dust mites. Insufficient linen changes might disturb the skin’s environment. If you have allergies or allow dogs to lie on your bed, you should likely change your sheets every three to four days.

Every several weeks


Clients occasionally inquire, “How frequently should you dust your home?” Once each month for easily accessible regions and every three to six months for inaccessible spots such as ceiling fans, door frames, and high shelves. Dusting surfaces with a duster only redistributes the dust around your home.

Microwaves and dishwashers are home appliances.

Once a month, clean dishwashers and microwaves to maintain their cleanliness and functionality. Grease and odours may be eliminated from your dishwasher by removing debris and running a hot-water cycle with one cup of white vinegar and one cup of baking soda. To eliminate germs and bacteria on microwave surfaces, as well as the handle and touchpad, disinfectant should be used.

Several Times Per Year

Cabinets and Wardrobes

Before the start of a new season, taking stock of your possessions is facilitated by discarding old food and giving unneeded clothing. Cleaning closets and pantries eliminates dust and prevents bugs from destroying clothing and food.


Dirty ovens can negatively impact food quality, cooking performance, and increase the danger of fire. We recommend cleaning your oven about every three months, or more regularly if you frequently bake and cook.


Luminescent bulbs

If you’re wondering how often you should deep clean your home, consider giving it a nice scrub and cleaning it fully once a year. This consists of light fixtures and light bulbs. Grime accumulates over time and might reduce the light’s intensity, despite the fact that it seems tedious.

Drapery and upholstery

An annual washing of curtains and a thorough cleaning of upholstery removes dust and animal dander that would otherwise become embedded in the fabric. Textiles also acquire odours over time, so it’s important to wash or deep clean them annually to keep them smelling fresh.


Putting items away after you’re done with them and wiping off surfaces afterward can make everyday housekeeping much simpler. Creating a to-do list and designating a certain time for weekly cleaning reduces scheduling anxiety.

Eco Clean Services Professional cleaners may save you time and increase your peace of mind by keeping your house clean and organised. Click here to arrange recurring or occasional cleaning services for your house!

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