
The Latest YouTube SEO Tips That Every Marketer Needs To Know

Do you have no subscribers, no comments, and no YouTube video views? It doesn’t have to stay that way.

YouTube is the second largest search engine, so like with Google, it’s important that you make use of search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to get more views and subscribers. Optimizing for YouTube SEO is a lot different from using traditional SEO techniques, however, so you’ll need to learn some new things before you get started.

Fortunately, we’re here to help. Here are the latest YouTube SEO tips that every marketer needs to know.

1. Start With Great Keywords

One of the main things to remember when optimizing your YouTube video for search is that keywords matter. It’s a great idea to use a keyword research tool to find out what people are looking for online and to create killer content around these topics.

Be sure to use any keywords you choose in your video file, the title, the video tags, and your description. This will help YouTube understand what your video is about and will make it more likely that your video will show up in searches.

2. Add Hashtags to Your Video

To improve YouTube SEO, you should also make sure that you’re adding hashtags for every video you upload. Be sure to add hashtags to video descriptions that are relevant to your videos and that people will be searching for.

These hashtags will be shown above the title of the video and can help your video to fit in with certain trends. This can help to increase the visibility of your video and will help searchers find it.

3. Use a Custom Thumbnail

One of the best tricks for optimizing a YouTube video for search is to make sure that you’re adding a custom thumbnail. Having a great thumbnail will make it more likely that your video will stand out from the crowd and that viewers will click on it.

When more people click on your video and watch it, it will be more likely that the YouTube algorithm will recognize that your video provides value. This will make it more likely that it will send more viewers your way.

4. Add Video Enhancements

Using some of the extra YouTube video features to enhance your videos can also help them get discovered more easily.

You should plan to add subtitles and closed captioning to your videos to improve accessibility. Having the text of the video available can help it to get discovered more easily by search engines.

Additionally, adding cards and end screens to your video can help to engage viewers. Doing so can help you get more subscribers and may increase your viewership overall.

5. Get Help

When working to improve YouTube marketing and build a presence on the platform, you may want to get outside help. There are some great companies that will help with SEO and that can also help with video and content creation as well.

The HOTH is one company that you may want to consider learning about. Be sure to go here if you want to learn more about their locations and how they can help.

Getting More Views With These YouTube SEO Tips

YouTube can be a great place to host your video content, but there are a lot of videos on the platform. You’ll want to make sure that you’re using these YouTube SEO tips to ensure that your videos will rise above the noise.

Hoping to find more ways to boost your marketing efforts? Read over our blog now to discover more useful guides.

Charly bell

Hi there! I'm Charly Bell, a writer and explorer. I love sharing cool stuff about travel, health, business, finance, and much more in general topics. My aim is to provide informational articles so that maximum people will learn and educate themselves. I'm all about making it interesting and easy to understand. Join me on this journey, and let's explore together!

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