
Worauf weist dieses verkehrszeichen hin      

Worauf weist dieses verkehrszeichen hin it is important to understand the various traffic signs when driving or biking on the roads. Knowing what each sign means can help you stay safe and follow the rules of the road. This article will discuss what the German traffic sign “Worauf weist dieses Verkehrszeichen hin” means and how to interpret it.

Overview of “Worauf weist dieses Verkehrszeichen hin”

The German traffic sign “Worauf weist dieses Verkehrszeichen hin” translates to “What does this traffic sign indicate?” This sign is a warning sign that is used in Germany to alert drivers to a potential hazard or danger in the area. It is often used to direct drivers to slow down or be aware of their surroundings. This sign is usually posted near construction sites, intersections, and curves in the road.

Meaning and Interpretation of the Sign

The sign is a yellow diamond with a black pictogram inside of it. The pictogram is usually a triangle with an exclamation mark inside of it. This indicates that drivers should be aware of their surroundings and slow down. The sign is usually posted near construction sites, intersections, and curves in the road. It is a warning sign that drivers should use caution and be aware of potential hazards.


The German traffic sign “Worauf weist dieses Verkehrszeichen hin” is a warning sign that drivers should use caution and be aware of potential hazards in the area. This sign is usually posted near construction sites, intersections, and curves in the road. Knowing what this sign means and how to interpret it can help keep drivers safe and follow the rules of the road.

Further Resources

For more information on German traffic signs, please visit the following websites:

-The German Traffic Rules and Regulations:

-The German Automobile Association:

-The German Road Safety Council:

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