After the Funeral – Grief Counseling for All
When a loved one dies, we all react differently. For some, accepting the inevitable death of a beloved 87-year-old grandfather after a long illness is not too difficult. It is intolerable to others. Similarly, some people seem to “get over” the loss of a young child in a relatively short amount of time, while others never seem to recover.
For many people who struggle to cope with death, grief counseling can often help them transition. Its goal is to help people grieve within normal, healthy times and eventually resume their daily lives. Grief Counselling Toronto can be a long-term process, a short-lived event, or a one-off, and can be conducted one-on-one or in a group.
For those for whom grief counseling isn’t enough, grief therapy may be the answer. It helps people with complex or abnormal grief reactions better deal with the conflict of separation, using expertise to help them eventually function again as happy humans.
five stages of grief
Her five stages were later identified as the five stages we all go through when someone else dies and is now widely recognized as a useful tool for those going through the process of grief or bereavement.
– refusal. The first step we all go through. You find yourself “forgetting” that it happened at all by denying it is happening to you, or by continuing to make room at the table for the deceased, buying them gifts, or talking to them.
– Anger/blame. This stage occurs when the denial is over and you are angry and trying to blame others for what happened. You can either blame your husband for what he did “wrong” or you can blame yourself.
– Bargaining. If the inevitable doesn’t happen, you try to bargain for time, saying you’ll do this or that. Some people try to bargain with God to get their loved ones back.
– depression. When you start the acceptance process, you often face severe depression and don’t seem to care at all about what’s going on anymore.
– accept. As depression begins to unravel, acceptance of the inevitable begins and you can rebuild your life and move forward.
How Grief Counseling Can Help
In today’s society, it’s generally accepted that grieving is a normal process, but unfortunately, not all of us know how to do it. Grief counseling can help you express your feelings and adjust to the loss. However, we inform you that professional counseling may be required in special circumstances, such as the death of a child or sudden murder.
Here are some basics about the grief counseling process.
– Grief counseling is for bereaved people only. Grief counselors can be clergy, trained therapists, or social workers and can work with bereaved individuals individually or in groups.
– Counseling seeks expression of condolences first and understands that their feelings are normal and hopefully only temporary. Consolidating memories and learning how they affect us can help us move on.
– Some people are so shocked or paralyzed after the death of a loved one that they can’t handle it. Talking about these feelings and expressing them openly can help you move forward.
– Sometimes there are unresolved issues between the person being consulted and the deceased. This can be resolved through consultation.
– Mourning counseling helps to integrate emotions, so it is sometimes conducted after other types of loss, such as a breakup or job loss. In many cases, the mourning process is the same. Trauma-induced loss of safety or even loss of dreams often requires similar counseling.
– When a child does, the two parents can deal with their loss differently and at different rates. Grief is different for everyone, but it can be hard to understand when you’re going through the same loss. Couples grief counseling can help partners understand each other’s needs and avoid blaming each other.
Many people mistakenly believe that a funeral signifies the end of the grieving process, but in reality, it often begins. Grief counseling (and sometimes grief therapy) can help people come to terms with their loss and move on with their lives.
Experts in the field have recognized that there is no set timetable for overcoming losses and that staying bullish is not always important. Meeting someone you love is not an easy ordeal. The grief of any kind takes an emotional toll on the person it affects. The grieving process is difficult but necessary for proper recovery from the traumatic event that provoked mourning.
I understand how grief works because you’ve lost a loved one. The grieving process is essential to healing and can last for months or even years without proper and professional help.